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Pemilihan Umum Calon Ketua Osis 2020

Pemilihan Umum Calon ketua osis akan di selenggarakan secara online mulai tanggal 22 Desember 2020 pada alamat https://www.smkn4garut.sch.id/pilketos dengan akun menggunakan NISN untuk siswa dan untuk PTK menggunakan Tanggal Lahir dengan format YYYY-MM-DD

Berikut calon ketua osis

  • Kandidat 1 

Nama Calon Ketua Osis: Aji Pajri Amin (11-MM-4)

Nama Calon Wakil Ketua Osis : Ismi Mayangtika (11-TKRO-4)


Mewujudkan siswa/siswi yang berwawasan luas,berkualitas,religius,aktif,kreatif,inovatif dan mampu berpikir kritis dalam kondisi seperti apapun dengan tetap berlandaskan kepada Tuhan yang maha Esa dan menjadikan Osis sebagai wadah untuk mengembangkan segala potensi yang ada disekolah.


  1. Menumbuhkan keimanan dan ketaqwaan terhadap Tuhan yang maha Esa melalui kegiatan pembinaan kerohanian.
  2. Menumbuhkan generasi baru yang beriman,disiplin serta berkarakter dengan membangun dan mengembangkan OSIS dibidangnya.
  3. Menjadikan Osis SMK MEGERI 4 GARUT sebagai suri tauladan bagi siswa/siswi
  4. Mengembangkan minat bakat siswa/siswi di ekstrakulikuler.
  5. Mewujudkan karakter siswa/siswi yang unggul dalam SQ,IQ dan EQ.
  6. Pengembangan Ekstrakulikuler agar lebih diminati siswa/siswi
  7. Mengadakan program yang mampu mengembangkan potensi Seni dan Budaya Indonesia atau daerah disekolah.
  8. Mengembangkan dan mengoptimalkan program kerja yang sudah ada.
  9. Menjalin kerjasama dengan ekskul atau organisasi lainnya.
  10. Mengadakan program yang bisa memancing daya kreatifitas siswa/siswi.
  • Kandidat 2

Nama Calon Ketua Osis: Ali Ravael (11-MM-4)

Nama Calon Wakil Ketua Osis : Evrina Putri Susanti (11-KA-2)


Menjadikan OSIS SMKN 4 Garut sebagai wadah aspirasi bagi siswa siswi untuk mengembangkan potensi, baik di bidang akademik maupun non akademik. serta meningkatkan Pengurus OSIS SMKN 4 Garut yang unggul dalam Prestasi, Terampil, dan Mandiri.


  1. Meningkatkan kualitas sistem kinerja pengurus osis demi mewujudkan generasi yang unggul
  2. Mendukung segala macam ekstrakulikuler dan kegiatan sekolah yang positif.
  3. Menjalankan segala program OSIS, baik itu yang berkaitan langsung dengan sekolah, gotong royong, kerja Keras, Cerdas, Tuntas dan Ikhlas, serta sudah tersusun sesuai rencana.
  4. Meningkatkan dan Mengembangkan prestasi Siswa Siswi baik dibidang Akademik maupun non Akademik dengan Mendorong siswa supaya lebih aktif dan mampu bersaing sesuai bidang yang diminati

silahkan klik gambar dibawah ini untuk melanjutkan pemilihan calon ketua osis 


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The need for more legitimate hacking companies are rising each passing day because of the magnitude of scams being run on the Internet. I know what I went through before I was able to contact Osecybersailing to work on my case after getting scammed multiple times and trying to retrieve back my lost investment funds. After I have invested $670k usd with a fraudulent crypto investment company and i lost everything in the space of one month and got scammed again and again trying to find a solution which wasn't easy to come by given the circumstances that brought about the incident, getting scammed multiple times is never a good experience for anyone involved which was what exactly happened to me when I got scammed investing into crypto currency. Many posing on the Internet as hacking companies aren't really what they are because most of them are scammers waiting for a prey to devour, I got referred to reach out to Osecybersailing through a friend and after I investigated about their legitimacy I came across many of their testimony from their satisfied clients that got their lost investment funds retrieved working with this legitimate and evergreen hacking institute which also changed my story helping me retrieve back my lost investment funds. Many of the testimony really were saying great and worthy things about how the company saved them from financial loss, I decided to hire them after many consideration and they didn't disappoint me by making the choice of choosing them after what I have experienced lately trying to get my funds back from the scammers. They proved they can be trusted with the recovery of lost investment funds which is why I wrote this down for other victims of scam who wishes to ever retrieve back their lost investment funds to let Osecybersailing solve their case, they're worthy and has what it takes to restore back your funds and peace of mind. If you also wish to check your partner Whatsapp conversation to know if he/she is cheating then Osecybersailing is the best team for you. If you find yourself lost in the depths of lost Bitcoin, facebook and Whatsapp hacking to catch your cheating partner, let Osecybersailing's team guide you towards the light of redemption. Facebook page: Osecybersailing Email: osecybersailing@cyberservices.com Whatsapp: +4917617861530

RECOVERYBUREAUC @ GMAIL . C0M is the best cryptocurrency/fund recovery and mobile phone cloning agency to help you remotely spy your suspected cheating spouse mobile devices I was a victim of bitcoin scam, I saw a glamorous review showering praises and marketing an investment firm. I reached out to them on what their contracts are, and I invested $425,000 which I was promised to get my first 15% profit in weeks, when it was time to get my profits, I got to know the company was a scam. They kept asking me to invest more and I ran out of patience and requested to have my money back and they refused to answer nor refund my funds. . I heard about Recovery Bureau from a golf partner that used his services already and I decided to reach out to him. After explaining my situation and complaints to him, he was swift and took action and within 28 hours he got back my funds back with the due profit. I urge someone in a similar situation to reach out to Recovery Bureau on their support email: RecoveryBureauC@gmail.com. They are reliable, trustworthy, affordable and provides excellent services.
They offer other services Mobile phone hacking/cloning Spying and monitoring a suspected cheating spouse Boost of credit scores Upgrade of Academic Results Cryptocurrency loan and insurance 
Private key reset 
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Files Recovery and so on. Email: RECOVERYBUREAUC @ GMAIL C0M Telegram: RECOVERYBUREAUC


Kandidat. 1


Jangan pernah menyerah dalam hidup karna pepatah jepang pernah berkata あなたが醜くて社会に役に立たなくても、少なくとも最初に微笑むだけで、微笑んでください :)

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